Squirrel | Squirrel |
DukeSee the X-ray showing Duke's broken leg here. The file is 3 MB. |
Agave |
Mario |
Mario is a Rottweiler mix. He has been neutered. He is heartworm
negative and up to date on vaccinations. He is very friendly and
loves everyone and everything. He is OK with cats, children and
other dogs. |
Luna | Luna is a young female (less than a year old). |
Baldwin |
Baldwin was adopted by his foster family. |
LucaBrasi | LucaBrasi is a young adult male. He has been neutered and
microchipped and is heartworm negative. He is up to date on
vaccinations and is on heartworm preventative. |
Bear | Bear is a sweet young male who puts up with a lot of grief from
Maverik |
Izzy | Izzy is a sheltie or golden retriever mix that someone abandoned. |
Maverick | Maverick is a young female |
Nectar Agave's sister. She managed to survive being dumped from a
moving vehicle. |
Zeus |